
International phone numbers for companies

Get a local phone number for your business in all countries where you need incoming or outgoing calls. This gives your potential customers a professional approach to incoming calls and higher conversion of outgoing call withdrawals (e.g. when did you last pick up your phone when you saw someone calling you from north Macedonia?).

The process of obtaining a phone number for companies is not the most straightforward because of the high regulations that depend on each country individually. The main reason is the exploitation of local telephone directories, which have been called by the so-called “Spam” centers.

Owify has a local legal presence in over 60 countries that allows us to lease local phone numbers for our business partners. This can ensure fast and reliable operation in all countries.

All phone numbers can be bound to your phone switchboard or plugged into our online call management tool Owify Lite or Owify CRM.

In addition to phone numbers, we can also obtain affordable phone impulses at home and abroad.

Get a local phone number in:

* If your desired country is not on the list above, please contact us and we will check the conditions for obtaining it.

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